Saturday, May 03, 2008

MSNBC's weekly BJ 4 GWB !

What's WRONG with these 2 pics ? (answer below)

(HINT) : they were shown seconds apart today on a supposed "news" show .

tick , tick , , TICK , , ,

well , to my untrained eye , they do look like the same man , but these look like the pictures of this same man separated by a decade or more , , ,


But , NOOoooooooooooooooooooo , the young (and soon-to-be deadly ) , vibrant pic of candidate bush
(1999-2000) is the one MSNBC decides to use today & every week to represent the Idiot-in-Chief as he spewed his lies 'n denials during his weekly radio address to the Nation this morning .

The second pic is how the Fool looks like today . Which (imho) , looks like a man with hundreds of thousand deaths (that His LIES caused) weighing on his feeble mind and whatever conscience he retains .

THANKS 4 the creepy

Bushit Blow Job , , ,



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