Finally , a way to truly Fight the BushLies W- ar and be heard ! Get arrested for your beliefs in a non-violent protest to Stop the un-American death , torture and destruction of an ancient civilization .
Millions of us have protested and been ignored . The definition of insanity is: doing the same thing over and over expecting different results .
Ten anti-war activists led by Father Jerry Zawada were arrested...(2-5-07) on orders from Senator John McCain's office after members of the peace groups CODEPINK, Voices for Creative Nonviolence, and Veterans for Peace tried to meet with the Senator's legislative aide to discuss defunding the war. Activists sang the names of the 75 US servicemen and women from Arizona who have been killed in the war in Iraq, interspersed with the names of Iraqi civilians killed, and collectively chanted "We remember you," after each name and dropped a flower petal on the ground. They delivered framed photos of Iraqi civilians and US soldiers from Arizona who have been killed in Iraq and carried banners reading "Stop Funding War!" and "Americans Want a Prez for Peace".
If what you say carries NO risk,,, you might as well save your breath ! Nobody will listen...
I've signed up,,,will YOU ?
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